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Graham Cracker Pudding.

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Graham Cracker Pudding. When we go to certain Amish or Mennonite restaurants, I cannot resist the Graham Cracker Pudding. Below is a great Recipe I found.



Prenuptial agreement

Graham Cracker Pudding takes me back to my childhood when picnics and church potluck dinners had every imaginable dessert – including this dish – from which to choose.

Dave and I had only one prenuptial agreement, and that was about graham crackers. You see, I grew up on Honey Maid graham crackers, and it’s the only brand I eat – if I can help it.

A few months before we were married, we were in a grocery store. I picked up a box of these graham crackers.  I told him that if I ever sent him to the store to pick up graham crackers, there was only one kind I expected him to come home with – Honey Maid.  He has never let me down.

[No, the company isn’t paying me anything for this blurb.]

I suppose you could say I’m partial to graham crackers over vanilla wafers. I’m partial to this graham cracker dish over banana pudding. That’s because I grew up right by the Mason-Dixon line, and banana pudding just wasn’t a common dessert. Graham Cracker Pudding was (and still is).

The Pudding

You’ll need a box of Honey Maid graham crackers – or at least one pack of the crackers. You choose the flavor of pudding you like, grab some bananas and whipped topping, and have enough milk on hand to whip up the pudding, and you’re all set.

pudding in boxes
start by cooking the pudding according to the directions on the box

I’ve used three different flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and butterscotch. On occasion, I’ve mixed a box of chocolate with a box of vanilla and cooked them together. It’s a lighter flavor of chocolate, which suits some folks better.

pudding on stove
getting started


pudding done cooking
cooked over medium heat, it’s done in about 5-10 minutes

I prefer using the cooked pudding over instant, but I’ve resorted to instant pudding when I didn’t have much time or didn’t have any other choice on hand.  You can make your own from scratch if you prefer that.

How to assemble

In place of whipped topping, you can use Dream Whip or whip your own cream. This dish is about as versatile as you can get. For this recipe, I made the butterscotch pudding, so that’s what you’ll see in the photos.

After the pudding is cooled, you add crumbled graham crackers and whipped topping, and slice bananas into the mix.

pudding with crackers on top being mixed
I usually mix the whipped topping into the pudding and then add the crackers
pudding mixing in bananas
after adding whipped topping & crackers, mix in sliced bananas
pudding mixing it up
lookin’ good, eh?
pudding no cool whip on top
put it into a clear bowl – it makes a pretty dish

Next, you top the dish with a thin layer of whipped topping, like this:

pudding cool whip on top

Crush some graham crackers – in the blender, with a rolling pin, or let your kids stomp on a bag filled with crackers. Then put the crumbs on top.  Lookin’ good . . .

pudding minus bananas

I always wait to put the bananas on the top until I’m nearly ready to serve the dessert.

pudding in large bowl
Use thin banana slices for the top – it’s prettier that way, and you won’t need as many bananas (can you tell my mother grew up in the Depression?!)

The recipe

Graham Cracker Pudding

My Windowsill

So easy to make, a child can do this, especially after the pudding is cooked. This dish has folks coming back for more.
PREP TIME20minutes 
COOK TIME10minutes 
TOTAL TIME30minutes 
SERVINGS12 -16 servings


  • 2 boxes cooked pudding: chocolate vanilla, or butterscotch OR mix vanilla with a butterscotch or chocolate
  • 4 cups milk
  • 1 + package graham crackers
  • 16 oz. whipped topping
  • 3-4 bananas


  • Cook pudding according to package directions
  • Cool completely
  • Save enough whipped topping for the top, and mix the rest into the pudding
  • Add crumbled graham crackers and mix into the pudding
  • Slice 2-3 bananas and mix into the pudding
  • Place pudding into a nice serving dish
  • Top with whipped topping
  • Spread graham cracker crumbs across the top
  • RIght before serving, slice a banana and put on top of the pudding

Pinterest Graham Cracker Pudding

*This is a repost from five years ago. I thought it was time to share it again –  for those of you who are new to this blog.  This is definitely one of my favorite desserts. It can be whipped up and put together in minutes if you use instant pudding. For cooked pudding, give yourself an hour minimum.


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