
Food You Can Eat a Lot of Without Gaining Weight. Boiled Potatoes.

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Food You Can Eat a Lot of Without Gaining Weight. Boiled Potatoes. No recipe, just common sense.

Due to their higher carb content, many people avoid potatoes when trying to lose weight, but they shouldn’t.

Whole potatoes are loaded with vitamins, fiber and other important nutrients. They also contain a certain type of starch called resistant starch (8, 9).

Resistant starch contains half the calories of regular starch (2 instead of 4 calories per gram). In your digestive system, it acts a lot like soluble fiber, helping you feel full.

Because adding resistant starch to meals helps satisfy hunger, it causes people to eat fewer calories (10, 11).

Interestingly, cooling potatoes after they’re cooked increases their resistant starch content. In fact, studies show that cooling and reheating potatoes multiple times continues to increase their hunger-suppressing effect (12).

In a study that measured the ability of 38 foods to satisfy hunger, boiled potatoes ranked the highest (1).

While boiled potatoes were the most satisfying food tested, fried potato chips were found to be three times less filling.


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