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Cranberries at your table if you celebrate Thanksgiving?

Views: 67

Cranberries at your table if you celebrate Thanksgiving? I LOVE Cranberry Juice, but that’s as far as it goes for me, How about you?

If nothing says Thanksgiving to you like a wobbly red blob with the can lines still on it, you’re not alone—Ocean Spray (whose farmers produce 65% of the world’s cranberries) told the Wall Street Journal that Americans will consume 80 million pounds of the tart berries next week. Though the holiday makes for the 93-year-old farming cooperative’s biggest sales, it’s been innovating for decades to keep cranberries on your mind even when you don’t have a turkey or a UTI: The company pioneered juice boxes in the 1980s and coined the term “craisin” in the 1990s.


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