
Let’s hear it for space songs.

Views: 57

Space songs are always inspiring to listen to. After all, who honestly thought mankind would ever take to the sky and travel the universe? This is a ranked list of all songs about outer space, as voted on by music fans like you. Some of the songs included below may have the words “space” or “planet” in the lyrics or title, while others are only about space as a subject or theme. It’s not confirmed whether or not astronauts enjoy the music on this list, but there’s a strong possibility these songs would resonate with them. Recent movies like Gravity and Interstellar have had beautiful musical scores, but if you want to listen to less orchestral songs then this list is for you.

Music isn’t typically categorized by the meaning of the words, so this music list is a great way to find some solid tracks that are thematically similar. Vote for the space songs that you enjoy the most, and downvote ones if you think they’re not worthy of being high on the list. If one of your top songs is missing, add it to the list so others can vote for it too. Many genres of music are featured below, including rock, pop, folk, metal, and more.

One of my favorites.


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