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Amish go high tech.
When you think of the Amish do you think high tech? I never did until I picked up a local magazine in Amish country in Middlefield, Ohio.
Middlefield is located in northeastern Ohio, just west of Mosquito Lake and borders neighboring town Burton. Middlefield is home to 2,710 people and continues to be a major location known for its Amish community. It is well regarded as the fourth largest Amish settlement in America.And they are more modern then you would think. High tech buggies?
Still horse and buggy, but what’s under the hood. How about heated seats. A dash console with LED components and switches for headlights, taillights and turn signals, all powered by a lithium battery.
And do you think that the horse drawn buggy when needed to stop is the horse doing that all by its self? No my friends they have hydraurlic brakes.