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Going Grocery shopping at a Salvage store.

Visits: 44

Going Grocery shopping at a Salvage store. As some of the regulars here know, my wife and I are big fans of Salvage grocery or as some call them, scratch and dent.

If you need to make drastic cuts to your grocery bill and are willing to step outside of your favorite grocery market, shopping at a salvage grocery store could be the answer. Salvage grocery stores, sometimes referred to as outlet or discount grocery stores, specialize in selling items that traditional grocery stores can’t or won’t sell. Here’s a look at what salvage grocery stores are all about.

What Is a Salvage Grocery Store?

Most salvage grocery stores buy their merchandise from grocery reclamation centers, which include:

  • Food that is near or past its expiration
  • Items in dented or torn packaging
  • Items in seasonal or otherwise-dated packaging
  • Store closeouts
  • Manufacturer overstock
  • Salvage from truck wrecks

Unlike a traditional grocery store, which stocks the same items each week, salvage grocery stores stock different items weekly depending on what’s available. The prices at a salvage grocery store are typically half of what you’d expect to pay at the grocery store—but could be even cheaper.

Is the Food Safe?

As long as you follow a few rules, the food at a salvage grocery store is just as safe as the food you’d get at a grocery store. Salvage grocery stores are inspected and regulated by the government just like regular grocery stores.

All items are also inspected for serious damage at the reclamation center before they’re shipped to stores. Leaking or bulging cans and broken jars are tossed immediately. Torn or dented boxes are OK, as long as the plastic bag that the food is wrapped in is still sealed. If it’s something like macaroni, where the food sits directly inside the box, you should probably pass on torn boxes.

Tips and Warnings

If you decide to shop at a salvage grocery store, there are a few things to consider:

  1. Frozen foods are still safe after their expiration date as long as they’ve been kept frozen. If you see any evidence of improper food storage at the store, skip them.
  2. Sell-by, use-by, and best-buy dates all mean different things. Educate yourself on the difference, so you understand what you’re buying.
  3. Never buy expired baby formula and baby food at a salvage store. It’s the only food product that the federal government requires dating on.
  4. Avoid expired over-the-counter drugs. They may lose their potency or undergo an adverse chemical change after expiration.
  5. Dented cans aren’t always safe to buy. A small dent is fine, but if you see cans with big dents or any dent along the top or side seam, leave them at the store. Ditto for bulging or leaking cans. They could be a botulism risk.
  6. Recalled items shouldn’t end up at salvage stores, but it’s good to stay on top of recent recalls just in case.

Additionally, salvage grocery stores may not be as organized as a regular grocery store, but they should be just as clean. If a store appears dirty or you see signs of bug or rodent activity, take your business elsewhere.



Food Holidays Life

You can’t beat shopping in Amish Country.

Visits: 41

You can’t beat shopping in Amish Country. Last week we celebrated with another couple (my birthday). Before we met them, we stopped at three of our favorite stores. A Swiss cheese factory and two Amish grocery stores.

You need to look closely at the best buy dates. Everything we bought was best by in 2024 and 2025. Sometimes the boxes have dents as do the cans.

The featured picture is one of my favorite desserts.

The 24 oz. size. The small individual boxes are $.10 ea. This was best by 062024.
Best by. 01-05-2024.$.49 ea.

How can you beat $1.99. Best buy 02-2025.

Saw this at my local grocery store on sale. $4.99.

I’ll post more in the comments section. If you live near Amish country stop in. The stores go by bent and dent plus Salvage.



Great news. Major companies restored. More to come.

Visits: 93

You don’t need a disqus account to shop.


Great news. Major companies restored. More to come. I’m proud to announce that our affiliate program has been restored. You will see them on the bottom of the page. We erred when we put their links and logo’s in the article. That has been fixed. So if you will be doing online shopping, please visit our advertisers below the article.


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