Decorations Holidays Pictures

Holiday decorations at the MC House.

Views: 31

Holiday decorations at the MC House.

I’m really late this year. Hopefully you enjoy the decorations as much as we enjoy putting them up. But truth be told, my wife and daughter do most of it.

I take the lousy pictures and carry the boxes up from the basement. Oh and I help with putting the ornaments on the tree.

So on this Christmas morning I want to wish all a very Merry Christmas.

You’ll find more pictures in the comments section.


Decorations Food Life Pictures

Pumpkin Fall Works. And other goodies.

Views: 65

Pumpkin Fall Works. And other goodies. As usual I’m running late. What’s the old saying? Better late than never? I’m going to add some other photos beside the house decorations. Enjoy.

Scenery from our window seat at an Amish Restaurant in Walnutcreek,Ohio.And Groceries we bought from the Amish in Middlefield,Ohio. The blue bag is insulated for our meat and cheeses.


Decorations Life

Favorite decorations Apple Works.

Views: 43

Favorite decorations Apple Works. Of all the decorations, this is my favorite. My wife uses 74 Wooden Apples. A few plastic but that’s it. Also she uses Franciscan plates and a few odds and ends. Enjoy.

My favorite




Decorations Furniture Life Links from other sources. Reprints from other.

Full-Time Thrifter Encourages Secondhand Shopping by Posting Local Treasures on Social Media.

Views: 29

Full-Time Thrifter Encourages Secondhand Shopping by Posting Local Treasures on Social Media. This article is about a person who thrifts full time. For my wife and I , it’s a chance to give back and find items we use in our decorations. So please read and enjoy another persons take on thrifting.

Thrifting is an increasingly popular way to shop (and a great way to spend an afternoon), but what if we told you it could be a full-time job?

At least it is for Ambie Hay, who goes by “Palm Beach Thrifters” on social media. When she’s out and about in Palm Beach County, Florida, scouting for her clients, Hay follows their wishlists to find what they’re seeking. And when she comes across incredible antiques and vintage pieces that aren’t on the list, she posts them to her Instagram page, where she shares thrift items and their locations with her 196,000 followers from all over the world.


Her goal is simple: to promote secondhand shopping by encouraging people to check out local thrift stores.

“Thrifting is such a blast, but it really takes a lot of time, and a lot of people are working or they have children at home,” Hay, 61, told Nice News. “That’s where I got the idea that well, at least I could post because I’m out there anyway.”

Hay, who worked in retail for 25 years, closed her own design boutiques to pursue her passion for thrifting and become a full-time reseller. Around five years ago, she started an Instagram account “to show others and to help the thrift shops because they’ve helped me so much.”

“I found so many beautiful things in these stores, and I know how hard the volunteers work, and the thrift shops are always affiliated with charities,” she added. “And I thought, how can I give back to my followers? How can I give back to the thrift shops?”


She’s been able to give back to her local shops by featuring vintage treasures on her account, offering the publicity and exposure they might not have otherwise had. “One of the [thrift stores] the other day said, ‘Oh my gosh, we had a group of women down from Tennessee, and they came in because you mentioned our thrift shop,’” she recalled.

For Hay, who’s originally from Kentucky, thrifting runs in the family. Her interest in it began when her mom would take her to Goodwill as a child, and she now thrifts with her nieces and nephews.

“I really love seeing that the younger generation now is embracing vintage pieces and secondhand shopping. I think it’s just fantastic,” said Hay. “I can see that it’s getting bigger and bigger.”

While the resale industry in the United States is slowly increasing — the number of businesses has grown by an average of 3.5% per year on average since 2018 — Americans still throw away more than 34 billion pounds of used textiles each year.


But people like Hay are helping to reduce waste by turning consumers away from fast fashion and its detrimental impact on the environment.

And she’s starting ’em young: Hay wants to teach children about the importance of thrifting with her children’s book, published in 2021, focused on “the importance of recycling.”
As per her website: “Thrifting is proof positive you can earn money, save money, give back, and have fun all at the same time! … Thrifting is not a trend, it’s the future!”


Here’s my sweet boy Sailor, who inspired our Children’s book “Nifty the Thrifter.” He’s 17 and still loves to go thrift shopping!! My talented niece Madeleine brought this book to life with her colorful and whimsical illustrations! I’m so excited to share our book with you! 💕
I hope it book brings joy to both children and adults and inspires everyone to go thrifting!! 🌴☀️🐶💜🌸🎉🌟💕🌿🌟💫💫💫

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Decorations Furniture Holidays Life Pictures

MC’S Family Christmas Decorations 2023. Part 2. Living Room.

Views: 67

MC’S Family Christmas Decorations 2023. Part 2. Living Room. It took a few days but here’s our Living Room. Our Living room does feature the fine furniture we have bought over the years.

But the way my wife did the decorating is something else. The first picture you see is what she did with our bookcase.

Next three is the start to finish of decorating our tree

Of course the fireplace.

The entrance way below contains a reproduction piece that was made by a famous maker of reproduction furniture. It took a years wait before he was finished.

Front Porch.

More photos in the comment section.


Decorations Holidays

MC’S Family Christmas decorations 2023. Part one Kitchen.

Views: 77

MC’S Family Christmas decorations 2023. Part one Kitchen. I’ve decided to do this in two parts. The first one being the Kitchen. My wife and I put a lot of time and preparation into this.

Actually she does the majority of the work. I carry the decorations up from the lower level of our house up to the main floor.

Hopefully you enjoy the decorations. show us yours if you don’t mind.

Kitchen at a distance.


I’ll post the rest of the pictures in the comments. Feel free to post any Christmas decorations that you may have.


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Looking for folks to write some good articles on Food, Music, and Feel Good stories.

Views: 43

Looking for folks to write some good articles on Food, Music, and Feel Good stories. We here at Koda invite folks to add articles to our website. These are non political articles.

We feature Music, Food, and feel good articles. If you would like to try, contact me at

We use wordpress here, if not familiar we will teach you.


Decorations Pictures

Fall Fest and Thanksgiving.

Views: 34

Fall fest and Thanksgiving. Well we jumped from AppleWorks to Fall Fest and Thanksgiving. Enjoy our decorations.



Decorations Furniture Life

Better late than never. World Famous Apple Works.

Views: 23

Better late than never. World Famous Apple Works. We actually took this down yesterday, but I’ve been busy elsewhere. Please forgive me.


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