Decorations Holidays Pictures

Holiday decorations at the MC House.

Views: 31

Holiday decorations at the MC House.

I’m really late this year. Hopefully you enjoy the decorations as much as we enjoy putting them up. But truth be told, my wife and daughter do most of it.

I take the lousy pictures and carry the boxes up from the basement. Oh and I help with putting the ornaments on the tree.

So on this Christmas morning I want to wish all a very Merry Christmas.

You’ll find more pictures in the comments section.


Decorations Food Life Pictures

Pumpkin Fall Works. And other goodies.

Views: 65

Pumpkin Fall Works. And other goodies. As usual I’m running late. What’s the old saying? Better late than never? I’m going to add some other photos beside the house decorations. Enjoy.

Scenery from our window seat at an Amish Restaurant in Walnutcreek,Ohio.And Groceries we bought from the Amish in Middlefield,Ohio. The blue bag is insulated for our meat and cheeses.


Food Life

It’s Lemmon time.

Views: 48

It’s Lemmon time.

For those who aren’t familiar with this website, we do music, recipes, and decorations. Today at the MC house it’s Lemon theme. Hopefully you enjoy the decorations.

If you have some decorations, feel free to post them.


Decorations Furniture Holidays Life Pictures

MCā€™S Family Christmas Decorations 2023. Part 2. Living Room.

Views: 67

MCā€™S Family Christmas Decorations 2023. Part 2. Living Room. It took a few days but here’s our Living Room. Our Living room does feature the fine furniture we have bought over the years.

But the way my wife did the decorating is something else. The first picture you see is what she did with our bookcase.

Next three is the start to finish of decorating our tree

Of course the fireplace.

The entrance way below contains a reproduction piece that was made by a famous maker of reproduction furniture. It took a years wait before he was finished.

Front Porch.

More photos in the comment section.


Decorations Pictures

Fall Fest and Thanksgiving.

Views: 34

Fall fest and Thanksgiving. Well we jumped from AppleWorks to Fall Fest and Thanksgiving. Enjoy our decorations.



Decorations Furniture Life

Better late than never. World Famous Apple Works.

Views: 23

Better late than never. World Famous Apple Works. We actually took this down yesterday, but I’ve been busy elsewhere. Please forgive me.


Life Music Uncategorized

It’s time for our Lemon Theme.

Views: 9

Well it’s that time of year.Ā  So we have a nice Lemon theme. I hope you enjoy this. It’s been done for a month now, but we bought more treasures and of course my wife will change things around till she gets it right. We also have some garden pictures but those will go in the comment section. Enjoy.



Gifs Life Pictures Uncategorized

It’s Apple Time at the MC House.

Views: 129

It’s Apple Time at the MC House. Well it’s time to put away the Lemons.

After 5 or was it six changes, it’s time to post those apples. And we do have a few apples. Never got around to counting them all, but if you find nothing to do be our guest. Enjoy this labor of love.



Gifs Life Uncategorized

Jumping from Spring to Summer with MC AND HIS BETTER HALF.

Views: 82

Jumping from Spring to Summer with MC AND HIS BETTER HALF. It’s been a while but now we catch up onĀ  the decorations. so just sit back and enjoy the lemon theme. Sorry this took so long.

Preview on what’s coming next in decorating.

Apples, apples, who loves apples?




Gifs Life Pictures Uncategorized

Spring has sprung part 2.

Views: 19

Spring has sprung part 2. Summer is coming fast. Flowers will be blooming and purple is the color. Join me in looking at my garden, home flowers and the kitchen in transition. Holidays here we come.

Now you see it.

Now you don’t.

My garden

And my world famous ghetto garden.

Our Day Lilies will be spectacular this year.

Last but not least, the decorations.


Gifs Music Pictures

Decorating with a touch of Irish.

Views: 53

Decorating with a touch of Irish. We’re not Irish but we added a bit of the Irish look. Enjoy. Add any pictures, gifs, or songs,



Pictures Uncategorized

Let’s do two.

Views: 54

Let’s do two. I missed posting what I called the ice theme. But have no fear, I’veĀ  saved pictures. So take a peak or two and tell me what you think. Of course My wife did most if not all of the work. I took the lousy pictures.


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